joi, decembrie 20


I wanted to tell you about my talk I had with this guy in the train. I also have the strange felling I already talked about it...

Anyway so I was on the train, late - that is why I meet him,  and chatted about what can it be done and what can you do to live civilized and in an civilized ...environment, and I said that one thing that motivated me to leave my country was that, meaning here in Holland, sorry - Netherlands, the fact that people do not need to worry to much for the basic needs make them less prone to commit stupid, unnecessary shit. But I also added that everywhere are idiots, crazy ones and just plain evil or stupid ppl that will do commit shit anyway. But less in this environment, country, system. What I was after angry with is not that he didn't agree with my simple point of view but this: as if he didn't listen to what I say he had this idea: no, is not like you said (me) because no matter where you are people will be bad and is nothing you can do about it. Ok, next I tried to explain more: don't you think that if people are poor, if the governmental does not care and if all the system is bad and corrupt, let us overreact a bit..., then the people are at least angry, maybe confused also and for sure many will be desperate so then is more likely shit to happened? Again he just disagreed and his argument was again just: no, many people are bad and that is it. I thought I have some arguments to consider and I had the felling that is not at all the case.

My surprise was in this case also that I thought this guys is a clever and smart one like he always at works speaks first in gatherings and most of the times makes sense, has a good logic and all.

In a way his way of speaking and not listening reminded me of the religious people. On the train, again :), many times I go with a(nother) colleague that lives in my city and he does believe. And when rarely I say things that for me do not go well with existence of God, like the shootings form Connecticut and such, I got always this ambiguous answers and the understanding (a bit condescending even ... maybe) look.

Anyway. You just cannot convince them no matter what.

Next time I want to remind me of a thing that happened 3 years ago when I went home, and was coming back from pizza and a car almost ran over me.

vineri, noiembrie 2

luni, iulie 16

about me and za god

I am back.
And while listening to the new Baroness - Yellow & Green (cool 1), am going to write stuff to make you also feel good ;)
As always.
So let me start by saying that friday morning, while walking to work behind a chinese colleague that walks like he is a body(guard/builder) although he is skinny as a stick, I suddenly was sure there is no God.
This of course is actually not a sudden story meaning I had before thought of related stuff: + I was thinking of this shit with all surroundings that are dangerous: ie: all the shit is in plastic and it makes it even more cancerous than chemical...
And was reading the hunger games, I am not bragging about it ! :)
and was after the before getting to the fact that maybe God exists and then is toying with us, but then is the same, people are religious because they're afraid of some punishment, if God is playing with us I am not gonna be afraid of any punishment also.
so basically the conclusion is that I should not pray for my twisted ankle to mend but rest. That I cannot do either...
I am weak and I was, somehow without saying the words, not even in my mind, praying for miracles, to win the lottery, to find a genie in a bottle or even without specific target but just similar with the genie in a bottle ;)
Am curious if others are doing this mental shit...

A reoccurring idea of mine is that I know smart people that do not read books! I can understand why but what they do not realize is that is like choosing to watch a soap when a game of thrones is available! How can I recognise smart men when I'm not 1? ;)

I finished listening to the album, now some Muse, donno why.
Maybe cause I need one to tell me what to do. Actually this is the same attitude as towards God/miracle/deus ex and shit!
Snap out! You need to do everything!

Fat cats had a heart attack. NWO shit. Despite that...
I'm trippin' Me out.

The winter is coming.

vineri, mai 25

Ce ma enerveaza ominii care can ii intrebi ceva de genu: ce muzica mai asculti iti raspund: a, nu prea mai ascult muzica, nu am timp; sau si mai rau: - Eh bai eu m-am maturizat, nu mai am chef ...
Sunt foarte multi asa, nu au timp sau/si chef de "din astea". Nu mai citesc carti deoarece asta faceau cand aveau nevoie de educatie, cand trebuiau sa invete. Ori acu... nevoile si responsabilitatile vietii i-au "maturizat". I-au maturat, zic io. Adica ce eu citesc pentru ca nu se stie cand o sa am nevoie de intelepciunea aflata intre pagini? Sau vreau sa invatz ceva? In primul rand citesc de placere, apoi citesc pentru ca nu pot sa nu citesc, imi parfumeaza viata mentala, asta neinsemnand ca iara vreau sa devin mai intelept, e ca si cum fumeia pune flori prin camera sa o faca sa se simta mai bine, privelistea si si mirosul florilor adauga un flavour in + la peisaj. Nici nu cred ca ma refugiez in second life = carti / jocuri ... penca is lash in fata greutatilor vietii!

Ok, alta oarecum faza: haina nu-l face pe om :) Intr-adevar colegii mai in varsta nu tzin neaparat sa fie in pas cu moda or something dar restul... they do, haine si mai ales gadgeturi, cum iau salaru se uita sa vada ce deal-uri is pt ultimul model de telefon or whatever, cumpara o gramada si mai ales isi fac update la ele astfel incat e normal sa aibe 5 telefoame pin casa uitate , 5 masini de facut cafea samd

si cand ii vad pe cei mai tinerei ca isi iau ceva fancy car si ei nu au casa lor...

eh e si asta un carpe diem I guess

cand eram io tinerel chiar nu ma gandeam la viitor, imi aduc aminte clar

dar sunt de acord cu tine toti ca cele mai importante chestii is cele sufletesti insa nu prea stiu cum si le manageuiesc, hranesc, intretzin adica daca nici nu au timp si si daca au il petrec la sala, party sau  tv...

sâmbătă, aprilie 7

pilula de cultura aka tableta de cultura:

care este din cauza ca am observat eu, in nenumaratele mele ascunse misiuni de recunoastere urbana, pe care necunoscatorii, neofitii adeca, ar zice ca e nevinovate plimbari dar nu

asa, ce ziceam?

da, can meream dupe paine sau la curve, hehe glumeam, vroiam sa vad de ma urmariti, ca vad cum iti fuge ochiu la farmville, am de fapt observat specia humano asa zisa sapiens si am decis ca nu prea sta bine, adeca luneca din ceea ce taxonomic a fost decis ca nisa creaturii asteia

si, cu alte cuvinte, ceea ce vreau sa spui e ca tu te balacesti intr-o zeama calduta si cacanie de in si sub-cultura, si nu ma refer la culturism

asadar vreau sa vin, cu bietele mele puteri, in ajutor genului din care, din intamplare cosmico-comica, fac totusi parte si am sa, din cand in cand, dau o mica pilula de inghitzit, cu greu sunt sigur, cu niscavai ajutatoare invataminte in ale culturii, o chestiune initiatica, daca doriti

fara alte divagatiuni o sa trec la ceea ce in fapt contine miezul lectiei numarul unu, care este deghizat(a), pentru a masca gustul amar, sunt sigur -pt cel neobisnuit cu vinul cel vechi si bun prima inghititura poate sa fie si ultima-, intr-o ghicitoare, nu e amuzanta asa?

Din ce nemuritoare opera fac parte aceste sublime versuri:
"lasa-ma papa la mare
vreau distractie si soare
m-am indragostit lulea
am aflat ce-i dragostea"

cum ar putea mai bine sa fie exprimat acest sentiment al nebuniei si libertatii in iubire gasit de adolescentul tembelin si unde se poate manifesta el mai bine decat la litoral, acest limb aflat intre manele si rai!!!
Intelepciune si feeling si un je ne sais quoi acolo in acelasi amalgam...

Sper ca ati observat ca de fapt e si o pregatitoare vaccinare pentru ce va sa vina pe marile ecrane, in curand, imax and 3d.

Dar va las sa incepeti quest-ul cautarii raspunsului, si cand iluminarea va sa vina sa va bucurati de intregul carevasazica unitar al poemului ca atare.

vineri, martie 16

cum mi-am dovedit ca uneori is plin de rahat, cum zic anglo-saxonii

ashadar eu cred ca nu ma intereseaza cum ma imbrac, nu dau mare importanta

dar chiar asa e: nu dau MARE importanta dar dau

exemplu: merg la lucru si unu zice: haha cum te-ai imbracat azi!

si ma uit la mine cat pot si desi imi place fiece item imi dau seama ca intr-adevar nu se potrivesc, bluza neagra cu gluga cu ceva death metal band pe dansa cu o jaca de fash fara maneci ala camionagii, desi nu e una din aia pursanje ca e luata de la un magazin ce nu se ocupa cu asha comercializare si nu ar rezista asta la intemperiile la care se presupune ca is facute sa subziste alea originale carevasazica

dar eu dau din umeri si zic: whatever motherfucker

ce so implantat: vine unu in vizita, cu avionu, nu personal, cu o jentutza de zici ca e de dama si of course ca nu are-n putza aia de janta haine pt orice, ca de ex nu are pentru stat p-acas, si ce crezi ca fashe imi cere mie cu o nevinovata voce: ca nu am ceva pantaloni si bluza pana poate isi cumpara el ceva, adica de poate vede ceva cu discount cand bantuie pin magazine dar eu il stiu pe asta ca de ar fi cu discount beutura si haleala da ar marca banu altufel e pestritz la matze clar

ei si aici prima data mi se intampla sa capat butterfly la burtica din cauza asta de haine

pai da ce pantaloni am de pentru pin casa, trei perechi si da toate si ele luate la reducere dar ultimele 2 is noi, ultima din week endu trecut

si ce dungi de un albastru nemaintalnit au si chiar de is cu discount is scumpe ca mancarea pe o saptamana si de lu' asta nu ii pasa ca nu is ai lui si ii pateaza o sa ii dau de behaie

ca sa vezi sa ma stresez pentru nishte tzoale, dar na is ale mele si e dreptu meu :)

cred ca m-am sensibilizat prea tare de la privitu la Glee or something

anyway dimineatza aiasta, inainte de a urca in tren, deoarece pierdusem al meu primu o trebuit sa astept inca 2, ma uitam cum bate vantu un plop, si intre privitor si privit era asa o densa umezeala, o ceatza de picaturi fine; coborand din tren in diemen zuid vantu mi-o implantat in fata materia asta jilava si imi dadu un sentiment placut de is in viata si o simt amu mah, nu ca era geroasa de sa capat raceala dar era disconfortant de placut sa realizezi ca traiesti si e fain, ca nu te mai gandesti la tampenii artificiale naturii, cum sa ma exprima mai potrivit, ma refer nu tu la ganduri legate de lucru care e total dezacord cu realitatea factuala (what?), stai tata ziua la pc, nu tu stres visavis de alte falsitati ale epocii consumeriste and shit :)
Is clar nu? Nuuu.

Eh apoi in cursu zilei back to work si la ganduri de cum sa fac in week end sa pot vedea si meciul lui Poli si a lu Manchester si sa merem undeva de e vreme faina da sa ma si pot jucat, sa instalez un  joc si sa fac un mic research 'nainte ca sa am o campanie ce sa nu o vreau restartata dupa o zi sau doua ;) Foarte ancorat in real indeed.

Si apropo de astea am comandat trilogia the hunger games! Yeah bitch!

luni, februarie 27


if somebody would explain the happenings from Entourage series or even if I would watch also a trailer I could say: fuck it, look (I am your father) how the world is going down consuming shite BUT I have to admit I am hooked on this, is funny, not the same funny as Misfits, a more reasonable / innocent 1, or as Blue Mountain State - although is sometimes almost as stupid and absurd ;)


I need funny

I saw yesterday, with my son, this animation movie made by Spielberg, The adventures of Tintin, is like Indiana Jones for even smaller children so my son had a laugh but I did also enjoyed it, you cannot get bored on this, au contrair is full of action and a nice pirate treasure / mystery story

but u can guess is Spielberg ;)

ok, I have a colleague that is setting up his movie room for months now, and he didn't watch any movie in the meantime :)
I see many people doing similar stuff, like: I have to work now till I have my shit set up and then I will enjoy stuff


of course my colleague has a big chance to just have "" proper fun after a few more ..days/weeks but some people will never ever wake up

marți, februarie 7

langoshi si pishat

da ash hali din cand in cand cate un langosh cu branza, wtf
asta ma face nostalgic? no way!

si ieri cand cand am mers la buda aici la lucru un miros asociat cu actiunea ce o executam mi-a adus aminte cumva de armata si mirosul ala de otrava de sobolani ce era peste tot pe acolo dar si de Romania ca de cate ori nu dai de asemenea incantator miros?

de cate ori zic sau amintesc chiar si in treacat de vre-un aspect bun sau rau de aici sau acolo is acuzat fie ca fac apologie sarmalelor sau sclavagismului ori ca-mi tradez ori scuip originile sau neamul

geeee ... FUCK YOU!

miercuri, ianuarie 25

The cloud eating plane

So I was at night, waiting for the train to arrive, listening to some music and watching nothing, that means thinking.

I was happy because on the way to the train station I noticed a lot of things looking nice in the dying light. All the common things, more so for me cause I see them everyday, going to and coming from work.

And as I was with my eyes sweeping the sky I saw this plane and I thought there are only some clouds in front of it and as it came to them they were just gradually disappearing! First cloud then second! Like been eaten by the airplane. And after a few seconds I understood what was it: the light of the plane was strong enough to bring to life the cloud in front but the rest were swallowed by the dark.

I think this new pleasure of mine = to take photographs brought (a new) life into me, making me see the world around; even  more, I said that before, when I got a camera with me, then I have some kind of extra awareness of interesting(ness) and beauty of stuff around.

But this really planted another new habit, maybe not completely new just it is activated more often, and that is to think about and savor everything that I can. And really think on wtf is/are the most important of things to appreciate and then do it, appreciate it :)

There are only good reasons to do so, you name it: {(life is short), (carpe diem), (life is short also for the others, for people you care/love), (2 put more value into it), (love 4 money is shit so do not waste ur live going for it) ...}

I have to still make me do it as I (should) do it with my meal: "Enjoy your meal. Don’t just eat. Taste it and appreciate its richness."

Listen to good music, listen to it not just put it on, read books, good novels, it is like living a second life, if you choose it wise, to get a work of art in your hands but also to be able to enjoy it... is like a holiday on the most beautiful island ;)

I stop from enumerating things I think can improve people's live to explain previous point: Ii know people do not read (:)), and when you are not used to that you cannot suddenly enjoy a book, even more difficult is to taste a good one. But really it does worth the travel. I can only say it not prove it :)

Enjoy good movies, I know myself also prefer that many times, tired being, to just watch some easy crap... but even last days I saw some very good movies that made me feel good and it did add something to my self esteem, somehow :) Were: 'war horse', 'flowers of war' and 'the sound of noise'. Last night also I watch the girl with the dragon tattoo, nice mood in it, and with the last example I think I can go to the point that I do not believe in reading and watching only "serious" literature and movies, I could not read Ulysses (JJ's) or The Magic Mountain, and I did tried to but they are to boring and not meaningful 4 me, I cannot read them and take pleasure from it; but I really enjoyed World War Z :), very nicely written 1, of course the snobbish people will whine but fuck them, actually not even that cause I think you should not waste to much time on hatred also, well maybe the exception can be of those people that are so full of themselves that all they dream is about achieving power no matter what and that is leading to thousands of people getting killed or enslaved... But let us stay to more pleasant matters: same with movies, I do watch any movie no matter of the subject, if of course I see is well made, that implies I think I have ways to measure that :). Ah and I also like to read some types of comics, one that I really enjoyed is y the last man. Or Watchmen.

If you can you should definitely play music, if u got some talent.

Actually you should try to find, late of course, talents. When I was a kid my parents didn't explore my possible talents, maybe yours (parents did) the same, or maybe you stopped doing thinks you liked because of work and/or getting to be old and serious and shit.

So if you liked to play guitar ... do so! Or paint or take pictures, like me, not only if you really like it but maybe it does open something inside of you. You never know!!!

And taste art. ...

Also do not forget to really relax from time to time, maybe getting a massage or something, taking the time of to just enjoy a day of rest without having to do something important, just play some game(s) or go for a walk...

Health matters, when you are sick you cannot think right and of course you cannot enjoy shit. That means to practice some sport, eat well, of course you cannot not do chocolate, and also I do not say to not drink good wine, no, no; reduce stress, easy to say than done?!

Get a lot of money from some inheritance, money means freedom ;)

I have 2 go, last thing: go to a music festival. Ah that is for me.

miercuri, ianuarie 11


am stat langa, de fapt dimineata in tren un baiat de culoare s-o asezat langa mine,
mirosea a napolitana din aia eugenia, exact la fel

azi nu am o carte cu mine, mi-o fo lene dimineata sa urc sa caut una, asta dupa ce am vazut ca nu mai am nici una la buda, uitasem ca am terminat-o pe aia cu tinerii japonezii ce participa la orgii cu soldatii americani

mi-am luat bilet la ajax - manchester! :)

mii somn si am febra musculara la cei de langa genunchi, ca ieri am inceput iara kickboxu si am facut o incalzire luuunga si nashpa

ieri si alalteiri asadar nu am jucat skyrim, azi insa...

cine are chef sa isi dea cu parerea: =proiectul la care inca lucrez, ala cu Olandia

in ultimu timp am dat de gramada de muzica metal, unele faine foarte, ca de ex Iron Thrones sau ultimu Pain of Salvation, I like!

ca sa nu mai zic de Orphaned Land si Myrath de care efectiv is hooked!!!!

a si cred ca pot spune la fel de Strapping Young Lad, pacat ca nu mai canta ca aveau vana

am ascultat si mai mult Amorphis, daca inainte nu imi placeau acu mi-or picat cu tronc, oi fi intr-o criza de mijloc de varsta tineretzii de sfarsit, donno

mere bine echipa de fotbal in sala, ce naiba sa mai zic, atat