joi, martie 6

 OK, this is it

No really, if this time I get the same leggy ones I quit trying to get seedlings myself and will buy them directly.

Because indeed the last batch had same problem, got 2 long earning for more sun.

That was again with cabbage and cauliflower.

So now I got some boxes, each one with its own light, and I go for all the ones I want to first raise from seed indoor:

tomatoes, eggplant, peppers and of course cauliflower and cabbage :)

Check this out:

I got them covered until its germinate and come out.

After that I will put them growing lights, for most of the time.

Let see, again :D

Other than that I started with baking, yeah, this is my first bread made this Sunday:

Yeah maybe it looks weird but tasted very good

And today,


I don't have 2 much space in my oven so made them smaller but I still had to bend them a bit, not like Beckham...

very good taste, believe me

On yet another front, spring is here, fucking finally:

miercuri, februarie 5

(another) and last try

    Yeap, indeed, second attempt failed as well.

    I will try one last time to have the cabbage and cauliflower seedlings brought into this world.

    Check out my process and new location:

So I got these big cups from Action, less than 2 euros for 10 of them, also from the very same Action got some marbles and added one per cup, then for each one marbled up cup I have a pair that I put some holes in it's bottom and filled it with pot soil.

As you can, maybe, see I put the ones filled with the potted earth, and seeds ;), into the ones that have the marble on the base.

and then positioned it strategically in the main room's windowsill.

Curios next what what

sâmbătă, ianuarie 11

Disaster, kindda

 So after 4 days the seedlings were like:

And after a few more days they got longer, but too long and didn't stop longing for the light so I bought a (cheap) grow light:

but I guess was too late, so today I threw them in my backyard 

and started anew:

this time with only 10 pots of cabbage and 5 of cauliflower, cause I was reading and realized that my previous attempt was not actually feasibly for a family as mine of 3-4 people to eat so much as it would have been harvested from it, unless you give the stuff away or put it to pickle.

I also bought some beneficial flowers plus Rucola (arugula) seeds, I went in my lunch break at the flower market in Amsterdam, I was also looking for spinach but could not find that time.

Lets hope now it will grow stronger seedlings  this time!

marți, decembrie 31


 Yesterday I got the mail with the seeds I will use for seedlings:

I already bought last days a tray ready with cups for seedlings and a bag of seed starting mix (

) from Gamma, so I put a part of the pot ground into a carton box and mixed it with

some lukewarm water, then I filled 3/4 of each cup in the tray with it,

and since it has 40 cups I seeded 25 with cabbage

and the rest, 15, with cauliflower seeds,

both types of seed in/at like 1/2 cm depth, put just a bit more of

lukewarm water and put the tray in my attic, high on a cast:

I hope there will be a good spot as it is warm but also some light for later on, I wished it was more but yeah, what can I do.

As you can see I started with cabbage and cauliflower because I plan to seeds it both at the end of February or start of March, if the weather helps like in the last years, if not a bit late and so the seedlings will not grow way to much and start to complain...

luni, decembrie 23


So from 1st Jan will have a (p)lot of land, a 75m2 size one.

I am planning to have a no-dig garden. I will look from January for carton boxes, also will order the compost when I get an email about it from my community garden leaders ;)

I already ordered my seeds, the ones that will be planted directly into the earth later next year, around march, depending also on the weather, here in Netherlands sometimes the February is the coldest month, and it is is the only one that can bring the real ice.

I also ordered some seeds for seedlings, to grow them in house and saw the germinated and a bit grown ones in march:

Eggplant - Black Beauty - Solanum melongena

Bloemkool "Snowball X" - medium late shaved = cauliflower

Kerstomaat - Mascot  - Lycopersicon esculentum Mill = tomatoes

Paprika - Granova  - Capsicum L.

Savoy School 'Aubervilliers' = cabbage

And the direct in the ground seeds are:




NANTES - 2 - BIO = carrots

STURON - BIO = onion


LONG WHITE - ISHIKURA -BIO = green onion






Of course when I get them and start anything will come with images ;)

 OK, this is it No really, if this time I get the same leggy ones I quit trying to get seedlings myself and will buy them directly. Because ...