miercuri, februarie 5

(another) and last try

    Yeap, indeed, second attempt failed as well.

    I will try one last time to have the cabbage and cauliflower seedlings brought into this world.

    Check out my process and new location:

So I got these big cups from Action, less than 2 euros for 10 of them, also from the very same Action got some marbles and added one per cup, then for each one marbled up cup I have a pair that I put some holes in it's bottom and filled it with pot soil.

As you can, maybe, see I put the ones filled with the potted earth, and seeds ;), into the ones that have the marble on the base.

and then positioned it strategically in the main room's windowsill.

Curios next what what

Niciun comentariu:

 OK, this is it No really, if this time I get the same leggy ones I quit trying to get seedlings myself and will buy them directly. Because ...