Why I think religion is not good for you, and me

I am afraid or unlucky that I am around of more religious people than ever. Or am getting paranoid.

And I am not that against it as long as it is not disturbing me. But i guess I notice it because they do disturb me,

are more aggressive. In wanting to show that they are right and I am wrong and not only that that I am sinful only for the fact that

I do not believe in the true God. Well i do not believe in any God. Why? I cannot believe there is a God that comes with all this shit.

What I say is if there is God than he doesn't care about people, all the atrocities happened that happened for same reasons: money and the power, some started from "religious" matters.

Somebody will say that God should not be understood as a wise man and judged as I just did, well then the only way to conceive it is as the nature.

And I think also that religion itself is bad, bad for people, not true and not helpful ...anymore.

And others can say it better than me why:

"Most Americans are convinced that faith in God is the foundation of civil society. Society Without God reveals this to be nothing more than a well-subscribed, and strangely American, delusion.
Even atheists living in the United States will be astonished to discover how unencumbered by religion most Danes and Swedes currently are.
This glimpse of an alternate, secular reality is at once humbling and profoundly inspiring--and it comes not a moment too soon." - Phil Zuckerman 

“Be ye not unequally yoked with unbelievers,” says the Christian Bible. “They wish that you disbelieve as they disbelieve, and then you would be equal; therefore take not to yourselves friends of them,” says the Koran (Sura 4:91).
At best, teachings like these discourage or even forbid the kinds of friendship and intermarriage that help clans and tribes become part of a larger whole.
At worst, outsiders are seen as enemies of God and goodness, potential agents of Satan, lacking in morality and not to be trusted.
Believers might huddle together, anticipating martyrdom. When simmering tensions erupt, societies fracture along sectarian fault lines. I got this from somewhere on the internet.

Church forces parents to treat their kids with other sexual orientation than the norm as sick or sinful.

This is like a list with whatever points I think that will show how wrong applied religion is.

Free will: If God has a plan for me, I have no free will to choose, and if I have free will, then God is not an all-knowing and all-powerful deity making things happen in my life.
And the plan is not good at all, just recently, historically, human beans have a bit better and longer life. It is simple put yes but cmon is logic also.

Look back and you can see that many rulers were declared very religious, but that didn't stop them to start wars that killed thousands and they didn't try to stop poverty,
they did keep the poor poor and obedient, they were marched to wars since ever.

I know you can say that people are people but the true doctrine has nothing to do with the fact that people say one thing and do terrible things like the catholic church did over and over with children,
witches and so on.

I am really curious on how people comes to believe, I mean except weak and scared of life people :)
And except idiots that were trained and brainwashed from childhood.

Anyway back to the start of what i thought will be a small diatribe :) : if you do not Allah Akbar on me for just not believing and wearing whatever I wear and drink whatever I drink
is still ok but if you do organize some people to walk and check who is not behaving, not as the democratic rules of the country you are in but of the religion YOU adhere to I do not feel too good, I do not feel free.

Is not that I believe in democracy, giving rights to all idiots doesn't seem like a good idea anymore...


Unknown a spus…
Just to quote Woody Allan (I think...��), if God exists he (she?!) is an underachiever. I mean, really, this is the BEST you can do?

In this era, at this moment, when scientific discoveries are showing us how insignificant we are and how much more there is to discover - other civilisations, with 100℅ rate of certainty - how can one be so oblivious to be chained by dogma!!! Really people, get your heads out of your behinds and do some research. It might save our lives as a species.
whiteadi a spus…
well said, I am not so good with words as you :)
exactly right

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