joi, martie 6

 OK, this is it

No really, if this time I get the same leggy ones I quit trying to get seedlings myself and will buy them directly.

Because indeed the last batch had same problem, got 2 long earning for more sun.

That was again with cabbage and cauliflower.

So now I got some boxes, each one with its own light, and I go for all the ones I want to first raise from seed indoor:

tomatoes, eggplant, peppers and of course cauliflower and cabbage :)

Check this out:

I got them covered until its germinate and come out.

After that I will put them growing lights, for most of the time.

Let see, again :D

Other than that I started with baking, yeah, this is my first bread made this Sunday:

Yeah maybe it looks weird but tasted very good

And today,


I don't have 2 much space in my oven so made them smaller but I still had to bend them a bit, not like Beckham...

very good taste, believe me

On yet another front, spring is here, fucking finally:

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 OK, this is it No really, if this time I get the same leggy ones I quit trying to get seedlings myself and will buy them directly. Because ...